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Inter conversions of alcohols, aldehydes and carboxylic acids

Exercise 1

From the information provided in the scheme earlier (previous page) answer the following questions.

a) An alcohol on oxidation gives an …………………………………………………

b) An aldehyde on further oxidation gives a …………………………………...……

c) An alcohol on strong oxidation can be directly converted to …………….......……

d) An aldehyde can be reduced to…………………………………………………

e) An acid on strong reduction results in ……………………………………..…….

f) The alcohol on oxidation looses two hydrogen atoms to form an aldehyde. This process therefore can also be termed…….......................................................................

g) The aldehyde is converted to an alcohol, the change that takes place is simply two hydrogen atoms are added on across the carbonyl group (double bond between C and O atoms). This process can be termed…………………...............................................................……

h) A primary alcohol on oxidation gives …………………………………….……..

i) A secondary alcohol on oxidation gives………………………………………….

j) A ketone on reduction gives……………………………………….......……………

k) An aldehyde on reduction gives……………………………………....……………

l) Benzaldehyde can be prepared from ……………....................…….. by oxidation.

m) Ethanol on strong oxidation gives………………………………......……………

n) Benzyl alcohol on strong oxidation gives………………………………......……..

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